Thursday 27 December 2012

Introduction to REVEAL Islam

Reveal Islam: New Revelation Analysis Letters and Reports on Islam, Volume 1, Article 1, December 2012

Praise to Allah the Almighty, The Most Powerful, The Most Exalted, The Highest Power, The Owner of All Universes, The Sustainer, The Most Loving, The Most Caring, The Most Wise, The Most Intelligent, The One That Holds ALL Knowledge in This World and Beyond, The Most Meticulous and Most Critical, dear Allah, please let this information that I have revealed here are as correct as You have inspired me. I am truly your humble servant.

By Azlina bt. Abdul Hamid

Peace be upon you.

The information that I will be revealing here are non other than those information that we (Muslims) already believed in, The Holy Quran, the words of Allah, The One and Only God.

Before I move on with the revelations, let me introduce myself. 

This revelation is written based on the Holy Quran. I used several references from Hadith, Tafsir and Ulama’. I analyzed and processed information based on my observations on current and past incidents and evidences that show many of Allah’s most magnificent creations. I considered myself as a scientist because I am very keen into science, research and knowledge. In general, I am a person who likes to think a lot, trying to make sense of things and incidences, making connections, understanding how the world works and very open minded in many subject areas. Since I had a very bad downturn in my personal life, I have increased my prayers to about 50 rakaat a day inclusive of wajib prayers. That devotion to Allah and total self-submission to Him have opened my mind to tremendous capacity and capabilities in thinking that I have received such inspiration from Allah the Almighty and holder of All Intelligence and Knowledge.

Prophet Muhammad on his last pilgrimage (hajj) before his death at the age of 63 said that there will be no prophet or messenger who will come after him and no new faith will emerge.

Based on the words of Prophet Muhammad, I truly agree to what he said that there is no new messenger of Allah and no new faith will emerge. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am not a messenger of Allah or bringing a new faith from Allah. I am a Muslim true and true. The inspirations and ideas that Allah passed down to me are not new in content but new in revelations. All the topics that I am about to discussed are already stated in the Holy Quran. I am just the person that Allah chose to deliver this new revelation about the world and the life thereafter based on the Holy Quran.

This blog is called REVEAL Islam for several reasons. To begin with, I would like to reveal that the Holy Quran is very modern. I would like to tell all of you that Islam is actually very modern even though it was given to Muhammad (peace be upon him (PBUH)) by Allah, The One and Only God in the last 1434 years ago. For over a millennium, the Holy Quran has been used together with the teachings (hadith and sunnah) of our dear prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the base of the religion Islam. As time goes by, the basic knowledge of living life based on Islamic ways are added by credited Ulama’ to adapt to the changing world. Nevertheless, the image of Islam has been corrupted by several modern leaders who are Muslims but have taken a twisted path in establishing faith in Islam. The basic concept of Islam has been forgotten. The basic concept of love in Islam has been long ignored. People have become mere puppets to themselves without knowing what Islam is. They prayed everyday but knowing very little the significance of praying. Hence, REVEAL is introduced to reveal back the things that Muslims have forgotten. REVEAL will bring back that basic understanding of Islam with accordance to the modern lifestyle. REVEAL will make learning and understanding about Islam exciting again as it was during that time of Muhammad (PBUH).

Are you ready Ladies and Gentlemen? Would you take the ride with me to learn about what is Islam? Do you dare to open your mind and be modern and unorthodox in your thinking? You will be surprised Ladies and Gents. Islam is wonderful. It is very modern and very advanced. Do not be afraid. Learn and understand.

Here are some topics that I will be discussing in this blog:
1) How do we confirm that Allah, The Only One God exists?
2) My theory of Allah’s Throne, Arasy.
3) Why are we here?
4) Does Heaven and Hell really exist?
5) Human creations, the real deal?
6) Allah The Almighty created us Funny and Playful?
7) About the Devil.
8) Music and Al-Quran.
9) The Party Animal in Us.
10) Is Science Fiction merely just for entertainment?


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