Thursday 27 December 2012

My theory of Allah’s Throne, Arasy.

Reveal Islam: New Revelation Analysis Letters and Reports on Islam, Volume 1, Article 2, December 2012

Praise to Allah the Almighty, The Most Powerful, The Most Exalted, The Highest Power, The Owner of All Universes, The Sustainer, The Most Loving, The Most Caring, The Most Wise, The Most Intelligent, The One That Holds ALL Knowledge in This World and Beyond, The Most Meticulous and Most Critical, dear Allah, please let this information that I have revealed here are as correct as You have inspired me. I am truly your humble servant.

By Azlina bt. Abdul Hamid

Peace be upon you.

My theory is based on the basic knowledge that all of us had. Who is Allah? Allah is The Creator, our Creator and the One that creates everything else in this world and beyond. When I said Allah is the One who created everything in this world, it literally means everything from the smallest microorganism, the bacteria, to the latest smart-phones. It also means the fastest car in the world, the Bugatti Veyron and also the latest artificial intelligence or even the most interesting movie. Why do I say that? Isn’t the humans created those? Yes, the humans did that. But who created the humans? Allah. Who gives us ideas? Allah. He is the Most Intelligent and holds ALL knowledge. Therefore, doesn’t the logic tell you that Allah is the Creator of ALL things on Earth?

From that logic, I move on by thinking further. If Allah is the creator of such technology on Earth, would not that mean that there is technology in Arasy (the place that Allah resides and manages everything)? Logic will answer yes. But there have been several arguments from the Ulama’ that we as Muslims are not allowed to think beyond our mind capabilities and not allowed to think about Allah more than what is already stated in the Holy Quran. However, Arasy is stated in the Holy Quran many times. Thus, logic will tell us that thinking about Arasy is possible and allowable. The Holy Quran presented clearly in half of Surah Hud, sentence 7, that Arasy is on water,

‘And He who created the sky and Earth in six times and His Arasy is on water for Him to test you and which of you who does more good deeds’.

From the notion that there is technology in Arasy, I put another step on my thinking. What kind of technology that might exists on Arasy? At the moment, what amazes me is about Kitab Lauh Mahfuz, the huge book of knowledge about Earth, the universe, every single human fate and all of Allah’s creations. In Surah Taha, sentence 51 and 52, shows that Kitab Lauh Mahfuz contains information about previous humans:

‘He (Pharoah) said, “So how was the state of previous humans?” He (Moses) answered, “The knowledge about that exists with God inside a book (Lauh Mahfuz), my God will never be wrong or forget”’

There are other sentences in the Holy Quran that stated about Lauh Mahfuz. Anyway, back to my analysis. If Lauh Mahfuz is a book that contains every bit of information about the world and beyond, wouldn’t it be a very big book? Even if the book is big, how many words can actually be fit in one page? If the page is filled with words, how many number of pages would that book has to contain all information from the earliest of Allah’s creation? Therefore, my logic tells me that Lauh Mahfuz is not actually a book. It is a very advanced in technology database or a reference unit. That unit contains so much information in files and folders systematically organized. A possible way to obtain any information from Lauh Mahfuz is by voice activation or via touch screen mode or even could be activated by the mind. It is like when we see the movie Ironman and how he, Tony Stark, gets information from Jarvis (his supercomputer) by voice commands or via virtual touch screens. Why do I say this? This is because Allah is the One Who Inspires the movie producers to make technology as that advanced.

The logic why Allah mentions the word ‘book’ or ‘kitab’ in the Holy Quran is because at the time the Holy Quran was presented to Rasulallah is still very primitive and the book is the best information keeper. But now as the world matures and advances in technology, the conception that Lauh Mahfuz as a book no longer applies based on logic. Now, we have CD, DVD, mainframes, servers, supercomputers and many more technology used to keep lots of information. One thing fascinating fact about Lauh Mahfuz is that it has no glitches or anomaly compared to our current technology that has so many imperfections. This is based on the fact that Allah’s creation is always perfect.

One question would pop in most people’s mind is that, where’s the magic? Doesn’t magic exist in Arasy? It is easily answered by logic. Do we see a lot of magic here on Earth today? No. How do we explain incidents and observations? We explained them by SCIENCE and by LOGIC. Yes, Allah can do many magic like making us humans by just saying “Become”. But why Allah never made magic the dominant explanatory method here on Earth? This is because Allah wanted us to think. If many things can be explained by magic, do you think we need to think? Logic will tell you, No. But Science requires thinking. Logic requires thinking. Allah wants us to think. One sentence to show that Allah wants us humans to think is as follows, Surah Taha, sentence 54:

“Eat and rear your cattle. Thus the latter, shows that there are signs of Allah’s Greatness for those who can think,”

This is only one sentence. I can assure you that I can find much more sentences in the Holy Quran that shows He the Almighty wanted us humans to think. Another sentence in the Quran that shows Lauh Mahfuz contain all information is in Surah Yusuf, sentence 61:

“And did you (Muhammad) not remain in a certain issue, and not reading a word of the Quran and not also doing something unless We are the witness of your doings when you are doing it. There is no delay from God’s knowledge even as small as a molecule, may it be on Earth or in the sky. There is nothing smaller and bigger from that but all are stated in the book of the obvious (Lauh Mahfuz)”

Therefore, can you imagine why logically Lauh Mahfuz is not a book? All information about even the smallest molecule is in that Lauh Mahfuz. How can we place such information on Science together with the information of human fate? The subject of molecule lies in Chemistry section. The subject of human fate lies perhaps in the Anthropology section. Logic will tell you that Lauh Mahfuz is definitely a knowledge database that contains ALL information. Lauh Mahfuz also is perhaps a library but not like in this world as it is stated clearly in the Holy Quran that it is a book or an information keeper. Logically, it could not be a building or a room as a library is a building or room by its first definition. Other definition of library is a set of books or a group of books. Lauh Mahfuz as a set of books is logical but since books are limited in pages and allowable spaces for word print, it is logical to think that Lauh Mahfuz is a high-tech library information database.




  2. Thank you so much. May Allah bless us all and send us to Jannah. Inshaallah. Alhamdulillah.

  3. Is the Arasy the great throne of Allah(swt).
